Home Visit during Summer Vacation
Home visit is an important way for parents and our school to reach education consensus, coordinate educational goals, realize education synchronization, and promote the harmonious development of students' physical and mental health. To start with, the first round of home visits of the Junior High School Division in the summer season kicked off in July. 
Initially, the Junior High School Division set up a team of home visiting teachers with head teachers as the leaders to go to the families of students to understand students' summer study status, living habits and psychological activities, during which the teachers communicated fully with parents to help them analyze their children's strengths and weaknesses, hoping that parents could give their children more encouragement. Besides, through home visits, teachers, parents and students got together and conducted heart-to-heart talks, narrowing the psychological distance between each other. 
Later on, the teachers meticulously examined the children's summer homework and explained some of the difficult problems, praising the students who had done their homework well. On the other hand, for the students with poor homework completion, the teachers assisted parents to make summer study plans for the students. 
Moreover, during the home visit, head teachers and parents had a detailed communication on their children's rest time, recreation time and housework. More remarkably, by visiting students' rooms, teachers found that most children were able to maintain the same good habits at home as they did at school. For example, their books were neatly arranged. Nevertheless, for some children with poor habits, the head teachers expressed that they would pay timely attention and visit them at any time to assist parents in summer supervision.
Evidently, junior high school students' personality is more prominent, and the differences between students are more obvious. Also, in the conversations with parents, teachers found that some students' performance in school and their holiday performance were in contrast, which made parents confused. Consequently, according to students' performance at school, the teachers analyzed the deep causes of the contrast phenomenon, sharing the experience and methods of other parents to help parents solve practical problems. 
Furthermore, home visits not only enabled teachers to know students' vacation situation, but also narrowed the distance between family and school. More noticeably, in the process of home visit, students' greetings, cups of tea poured by hand, and fruits washed made all the teachers moved. Meanwhile, parents' active cooperation and sincere gratitude drove away the summer heat. For instance, the greetings from parents received on head teachers' mobile phones instantly relieved them of all their fatigue.
In conclusion, home visit during holidays is a significant measure for our school to carry out home-school co-education activities. Additionally, heart-to-heart exchanges not only exchanged ideas and deepened understanding, but also refined management and promoted home-school co-education activities, thus promoting the more comprehensive and healthy development of students.